Dravidlei Podcast

A Podcast by three "normal" teens. Listen to googleTalk convos, or just random ramblings of Leigh-Ann:The ringmaster, the artsy, creative girl, Robert-The tech geek who has too much time, and David-The asian. WE ALL LIVE TOGETHER AGAIN!


10_21_05 #8 Lunchcast

"I love how people think i'm like talking to my water bottle"


10_20_05 #7 LunchCast + New Outtro

"...and then he machine guns the altos!"


10_19_05 #6 Lunchcast + Rachel Reflections

"These hands belong to Rachel Joy Scott and will some day touch millions of people's hearts."


10_19_05 #4 Robert Introduces!

"yeah, if you're a guy.....or if you know a guy, if you're not a guy....yeah....their private area?.....he looks like a penis."

10_18_05 #3 Lunch Cast!

"What flies over the bay?"...."the BAY!"


Hottest Listener Contest!

Click the 'Flikr' button over on the left side of the page, and upload your photo.
The person with the most comments will win the 'HOTTEST LISTENER CONTEST'!
Deadline will be announced in a show, so keep listening!

10_17_05 #2 David introduces himself!

David, of the Dravidlei Podcast introduces himself, and plays come rather interesting recordings made through the years.

Thanks for listening!


10_13_05 #1 Leigh-Ann Introduces Herself!

In this first episode, Leigh-Ann introduces herself! Take a listen!
Let us know what you think, and keep checking for more intros by David and Robert.
PS: I apologize for Leigh-Ann's sucky microphone. I promise that David and Robert's recordings will be hifi. hahaha - David. :)

David: How To Contact/Interact with us

Just wanted to let everyone know that you can call me on Skype at anytime, and leave a voicemail.
I have a program that will auto-answer and record a message in .mp3, so i can play it on the show!
I encourage EVERYONE to try it out sometime. :)
Skype username: dravidlei
on googleTalk: dravidlei
The only thing with googleTalk is that we won't be on that unless we're recording, so if you see us online googletalk, call! we'll put you on the show!
you can also email us at dravidlei@gmail.com
I submitted our show to www.podcastalley.com today, but we have to go through a verification process, so we'll be up in a while i guess. Once that's up, you can vote for us on that site.

Thanks to the 11 of you who have subscribed so far! I'll assume you found out through either me, Rob or Leigh-Ann.
Thanks, and keep listening!
The Asian.