Dravidlei Podcast

A Podcast by three "normal" teens. Listen to googleTalk convos, or just random ramblings of Leigh-Ann:The ringmaster, the artsy, creative girl, Robert-The tech geek who has too much time, and David-The asian. WE ALL LIVE TOGETHER AGAIN!


DRM: Mary The SuperFastTalker

DRM(David Rachael Mary)'s US History Project, reborn.
Mary Recites the Presidents in One Breath
The Jeffy Shiz
Lyrics by Mary and Rachael
Recording by David

DRM: 18-ZERO-1

DRM(David Rachael Mary)'s US History Project, reborn.
The Jeffy Shiz
Lyrics by Mary and Rachael
Recording by David

DRM: Jeffy From the Block

DRM(David Rachael Mary)'s US History Project, reborn.
Jeffy From the Block
Lyrics by Mary and Rachael
Recording by David